Creating Your Cv

The Curriculum Vitae is a Latin expression and translates to a person’s course of life, more commonly known as a CV
in the modern world.
In some countries e.g. The United States and Canada it is generally called a Resume, but the contents remain the same
and need to capture a number of key areas, including:
• A Personal Profile Statement.
• Roles undertaken, clearly showing responsibilities, but more importantly achievements, quantifiable
wherever possible.
• Skills and Abilities.
• Educational qualifications and ongoing personal development.
• Hobbies and Interests.
In Europe during 2004, the European Parliament and the European Commission promoted the introduction of the
Europass, which is a version of the CV and as well as including the information referred to above reflects the levels of
someone’s ability to talk and write in another language. The aim is to ease skilled migration of potential employees between
member countries.
There are hundreds of books written about the CV and well over a thousand responses if the word CV is searched on
Google. If there was ever the case of using the phrase information overload, then this would be a very good example.
Against this background there is no wonder that anyone thinking about writing their CV are by now totally confused of
how to start, what to say about themselves, which format is correct and perhaps one of the most frequent concerns of
how long should it be!
The good news is that this book will dispel as many of these myths as possible and will provide the reader with a structured
approach of how to construct a professional document. It will without any doubt increase both confidence and self esteem
in an ever increasing competitive environment the job seeker is likely to experience, especially in today’s economic climate.
The majority of individuals are not naturally born sales persons and on many occasions feel embarrassed and uncomfortable
about talking about themselves. The book will show how to overcome these as far as capturing information on paper
is concerned and will certainly bring added value to any interview opportunities which come along during their job
searching programme.
The CV is one of the key tools an individual will have in exploring career openings and is a true selling document. As
with any sale you come across there are always 2 elements present, namely the features of the product or service and
more importantly to the end user the benefits it will bring. It will now come as no surprise that the CV must contain
both components!For Users Easiness We Upload all Books on two Links. One is Download Book and the other is Read Book Online. If one link does not work properly then you can download Book from Alternative Link Which mention above.
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