Hajr-e-Aswad حجرِ اسود

This new book is about the importance and history of Hajr-e-Aswad. This new book you may download and read online free of any charges. The book is in Urdu language and in PDF format. The will provide very interesting and unique information about History of Islam. If you like this book then must leave your comments and suggestion about this book. You comments will be highly appreciated.For downloading please click the below Download two button. If one link do not work properly when you download the book. Another link please clicks and downloads. For User easiness we upload the book on two links name is Download Book and Read Book Online.



  1. This stone has came from jannah this was white in color when came but sins of son of adam make it black http://www.umrahpackagesuk.co.uk/umrah-information/the-black-stone-hijr-e-aswad/

  2. This blog is really precious and super valuable.


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