hypotheses have been suggested about the origin of the Pukhtoons. Khawaja
Niamatullah describes them as descendants of Jews, connecting them with the
lost ten tribes of Israel. This theory of the Semitic origin of the Pukhtoons
has been supported by some Pukhtoon writers, including Hafiz Rahmat Khan, Afzal
Khan Khattak and Qazi Attaullah Khan. A number of orientalists like H.W.
Bellew, Sir William Jones and Major Raverty have also subscribed to this view on
the basis of Pukhtoon physiogonomy, and the striking resemblance of facial
features between Pukhtoons and Jews. They believe that the prevalence of
biblical names, certain customs and superstitions, especially smearing of the
door post and walls of the house with blood of sacrificial animals, further
substantiates this theory. But these presumptions do not hold good in view of
the fact that resemblance in features and certain characteristics do not
provide a scientific criterion for the ethnology of a race or a section of
people. This can equally be said about the Kashmiris and certain other tribes
who can hardly be distinguished from Pukhtoons in physique, colour and
complexion. Similarly a scrutiny of the social institutions of the Arabs of the
Middle Ages and present day Pukhtoons would lead one to believe that Pukhtoons
are not different from them in their social organisation. For downloading please click the below Download
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