From BCCI to ISI

ENTRAPMENT is the illegal and unsavory practice
of luring someone into committing a crime, and then
prosecuting him for it. Sometimes the entrapped person,
organization, or state has no intention or knowledge of
the committed crime. The target becomes a victim of a set-up
by government agencies, criminal elements, or a collaboration
of both, all intent on achieving unstated objectives. Various
agencies within the U.S. Government have been using entrapment
in diverse ways.
“Frame-ups” in drug “conspiracies” are routine in the United
States: there are literally thousands of drug-related conspiracy
cases in the United States in which innocent people
12 F r o m B C C I t o I S I
are implicated and punished. Arnold S. Trebach writes in his
book, The Great Drug War: “In many of these cases, the DEA
allowed some of its informants to traffic in drugs in exchange
for turning in their friends and supplying other information.
In too many cases, Gieringer claimed, DEA agents themselves
directly engaged in trafficking.”1
Trapping innocent people is routine in the United States,
and is by no means limited to crimes involving drugs. James
Bovard gives numerous examples in his famous book: Lost
Rights. Based upon his many years of research he concludes:
“During the past fifteen years, law enforcement officials have
set up thousands of elaborate schemes to entrap people for
‘crimes’ such as buying plant supplies, asking for a job, or
shooting a deer. Dozens of private accountants have become
double agents, receiving government kickbacks for betraying
their clients to IRS.”2
At the highest level, the classic example of entrapment, before
Operation 9/11 to frame Osama bin Laden and company,
was operation “C-Chase” in 1988, the purpose of which
was to frame the Bank of Credit and Commerce International
(BCCI) and force its closure. Operation 9/11 is more complex
because during this operation, Pakistan’s military intelligence
agency (ISI) was entrapped while playing a role in facilitating
9/11.For downloading please click the below Download two button. If one link do not work properly when you download the book. Another link please clicks and downloads. For User easiness we upload the book on two links name is Download Book and Read Book Online.

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