Dunya Ko Islam Say Kis Kis Trah Roka Giya.

Dunya ko Islam Say Kis Kis Trah Rooka Gia..?  How the world keep Away from Islam ..? : This book is also show from name that express very flashing Issue about Islam . From Start the enemies of Islam try to prove that Islam is Spread through Sword but the author of the book written that this is totally nonsense and this is the biggest propaganda against Islam . The enemies of Islam Say the mission of Jihad is to spread Islam through a force . To prove this slogan of Islamic Enemies that Islam is spread through force there are so many Islamic Scholars speeches and written many books about this . But we written one of the most recommended book about this propaganda of Islamic Enemies ( Dunya Mein Islam Q kar Phila ) ( Why Islam Spread in Universe ) . So this book : Dunya ko Islam Say Kis Trah Roka Giya..? is the another  answers of the slogan of the Islamic enemies . This book prove all about Islam with Events and History that Islam is spread through a good Law and order . I write down one of my life event  when my father resign from Dar-ul-Deoband and try day and night for Tahrik e Pakistan . One day after Jumma Prayer  larg number of Ullama Islam Gather in our house about some problem . All say let’s go toward  Sheik ul addab and take decision about this problem . So my Father send me to his house and say check that he is in his room or not . When I reach to his room . His room was locked and I do not think that ask from some that where is Sheikh-ul-Addab..? So I act like child and directly force on door and door opened . I was shock because this time he was half in sleep . When I open the door he wake up and ask Kheriat..? I replied that my father and his friends ( Ullama ) said to me check his room he is in room ..? They want some decision from you . He direct go to his house  . So for more please download or read online this best Islamic History book in Urdu free .  This is one of the best Instructive and informative book of Islam in Urdu language . This book once you start reading we are sure you never aside this before to end . This book give you very amazing history that how Enemies of Islam Stop peoples to embrace Islam . The author of the book also use very simple and easy world which is everyone familiar with all these words .  So this also important to know about book author , publisher and much more . The author of the book is Hazrat Maulana Izaz Ali , Book published by Edarat-ul-Maarif Karachi ,Pakistan ,  Pages of the book are 123 , Size of the book in MB is 2.55 , Format is PDF and date of publication is Dec, 1998 . So for downloading or reading Online this Best Islamic History Book In Urdu please scroll down and find out the two buttons one is Download Book From Link A and the other is Download Book From Link B .  So those who want any suggestion about blog or books . Please feel free and leave your suggestion in comments box or send through our email address or Contact form . Your suggestion will be highly appreciated and we never share or store your personal information with any third party .


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