Management Multiple Choice Question and Answers in PDF format as well as
Document. Dear users or visitors we upload more than 20 books of Financial
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books. Why different from all other books because this book contain Correct and
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i. EBIT is also known as operating profits.
ii. If EBIT for two firms are same, then the
EPS of these firms would also always be same.
iii. EPS depends upon the composition of
capital structure,
iv. Financial breakeven level occurs when
EBIT is zero.
v. At financial breakeven level of EBIT, EPS
would be zero.
vi. Indifference level of EBIT is one at
which EPS is zero.
vii. Indifference level of EBIT is one at
which EPS under two or more financial plans would be same.
viii. All equity plan and Debt-equity plan
have no indifference level of EBIT.
ix. Preference dividend is not a factor of
indifference level of EBIT.
x. EBIT-EPS Analysis is an extension of
financial leverage analysis.
xi. Trading on equity is resorted to with a
view to decrease EPS.
[Answers :
(i) T, (ii) F, (iii) T, (iv) F, (v) T, (vi) F, (vii) T, (viii) F (ix) F, (x) T,
(xi) F]
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