Aur Salib Toot Gai: The book is written by New Muslim Abdullah (Riyas Patter) the Ex Priest who refuse from Christianity and accept Islam. Abdullah Impress from Islam and Accept Islam after a very long research and study about Islam. Abdullah written in his book that how a Priestess work against Islam and how they motivate the illiterate Muslims women about Christianity. The author of the book written in his book that Priest give Doctrine(Dars) to Christians Islam is a Conjurer and Wizard Religious. Abdullah describe in his book that first time when i was learn about Catholic i fell myself is one of the best human but when i read and study that Isa(AS) is the son of GOD(ALLAH). The i asked from my Father why Allah died his son .In the whole universe please one father name tell me who want to die his son. Then why ALLAH died his son. So this question make me uneasy and i start search about this question from various Christians Books but i pessimist. So i start the study of Islamic book about this question. When i start the Islamic book study i found my question answer and embrace Islam. Abdullah written full story about own life and Christian Religious.
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» Aur Salib Toot Gai by Abdullah
Aur Salib Toot Gai by Abdullah
Posted by Zehra A
Posted on 23:31
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