Mustakbil Key Bachey ( Tomorrow Children ) : . The author of the book express very
important and noble topic . The author of the book present a new concept about
21 century education . He named the present education system is Corporative
Education system . Our present education system
roll around Teacher , Syllabus and examination . This types of education
the student never add personal experience ,
Nor Education experience and nor think ahead from Ideology and
imagination . He say this is very boring and full tension education system . He
present very revolutionary education system as compare to Present
Attritive Education system . Riana
Eisler say that education system must be free from violence and helpful to
build a good and nice society . How to bring all this thing in our daily life
and society for this must read this book Mustakbil Key Bachey ( Tomorrow Children’s
) . This book is really very helpful and full of instructive about our child
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» Mustakbil Key Bachey
Mustakbil Key Bachey
Posted by Zehra A
Posted on 04:05
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