Pathan Borderland : Pakhtonon Ki
Tarikh or History of Pakhtoon . This is
one of the best documented and history book about the most brave and honorable
peoples of Pakistan Pakhtons . According my study this is one of the only book
which very clearly and deeply express about the history of Pakhtoon . One of
the unique feature of this book is this which writer is from foreigner and
express the history , habits ,culture ,
Tribes and much more of pakhton very
clearly . The book is not only about Pakhton history but also express the other
prominent personality of history which belong from this land like Mehmood
Ghaznavi . Mohammad Ghori , Teemor , babar , Sher Shah Sori , Azeem baghawat , Nadir Shah , Ahmed Shah
Mohammad Zai urooj and etc . This book contain total Thirteen Chapter and each
chapter describe separate history about Pakhton . The second chapter of the
book is express about the tribes of Pakhton which are bellow , Tribal’s , Yousaf Zai , Bajouri , Mehmmand , Shinwari ,
Afridi , Wazir , Khattak , Marwat , Toori , Bangush , Masood , Podi , Banuchi ,
Sadat , Peshawari and etc . The third Chapter of the book express about the
pakhton Culture and law and regulation like Pakhton wali , Badal , Melmastiya ,
Natwati , Value of Pakhton Wali , Jerga , Malak , Mulla , Mashar , Lashkar ,
Hujra , Value of Woman and etc . The nine chapter of the book express about
Mutiny or Insurrection like , Tribal’s
Insurrection , During British Government
, Insurrection against Forward Policy , 1897
Insurrection , Zaka Khel , Waziristan 1919
to 1920 , Waziristan 1936 to 1938 , Problems of Peace , Basis of
Insurrection . The eleven chapter of the book describe about Pakistan ,
Problems and progress of Pakistan , Election of 1951 , Economic Development , Agriculture ,
Industries , Tribal’s areas under Pakistan , Sawat one of the exemplary State , NWFP as one of the Province ,. So this is
the short summary of the chapter of the book . Those who want detail please
download or read online this book free . The book is noble and excellent gift
for those who want and like History of pakhton in Urdu . The author of the book
use very easy and simple words which everyone can easily understand or pick up
. This also important to know about book author , translator size and much more
. The author of the book is James W Spain , Translate from English to Urdu by
Professor Anwar Roman , Size of the book is 159 MB , Pages of the book is 562 ,
Format of the book PDF and language of the book is Urdu . The size of the book
is very heavy and must check your internet speed before downloading . For downloading or reading online this book
please get out or find out two links one is Download book from Link A and the
other is Download book from Link B . Those who want suggestion about book or
blog please feel free and leave your suggestion . Your suggestion will be
highly appreciated . Thank you to Visit our blog .
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» Pakhton Ki Tarikh ( History of Pakhton ) Download Free
Pakhton Ki Tarikh ( History of Pakhton ) Download Free
Posted by Zehra A
Posted on 01:02
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