Confronting Empire ( Samraj Kay Mukabil ) : This book
express these four countries ( Pakistan
, Kashmir , Aljazair and America )
Political Condition I first Part. Second
part express the Meeting with Mahatma Gandhi and Yasir Arafat and the third
part express the Coward and Hippocratic behavior of Western Countries. This book contain very noble and excellent
information which never you seen or read before this. The man who conduct interview
is the name of Iqbal ahmed and he also
interview of Isreali Leaders and ask very fire out or flash out questions. The is very interesting and informative book
once you read to start I am sure you never aside before to end. Basically this
book is translated from English to Urdu. Please be noted that the book is only
for reading online or only to download the soft copy. IF ANYONE who is
interested to print this copy please must contact with publisher or the author
of the book. We have no authority to give you permission for printing.
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Book basic information : The author of the book is David
Barsamain and translated to Urdu bu Hamid Jehlmi, Page sof the book is 193,
format of the book is PDF. For any suggestion or complain please feel free and
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